Barriers installed at Liberty Stadium Swansea Football Club
Cova’s latest ‘hat-trick’ of stadium HVM (hostile vehicle mitigation) protection recently came home at ‘The Swans’ football ground at Liberty Stadium, Swansea AFC. 

Swansea City Liberty Stadium 

Swansea City approached Cova to assist them with securing their North Access Ramp around the perimeter of the stadium. It needed to meet specific requirements derived from advice received from joint parties including the police, anti-terror and local authorities. 
This demanded that it had to meet PAS:68 rating for a 7.5 tonne vehicle to protect vehicle impact at 40mph. 
Gordon David, Building and Facilities Manager – Liberty Stadium, Swansea commented: 
‘The Cova CSG barrier was the obvious choice from operation to appearance and is an essential addition to the safe operation of traffic movement around the stadium perimeter. 
The barrier is a simple solution that allows an easy manual operation from open to fully closed when in use and can be locked open or closed by use of a locking pin, this is essential as there are no electrical services at the location’. 
That adds up to a security hat trick and more than 32 years on, Cova continue to remain at the top of the league table. 
Cova Product Installed: 
Crash rated to withstand a 7.5 tonne vehicle attack at 40mph 
Contact [email protected] if you have a perimeter security stadium enquiry. 
Custom detailed barrier being manufactured
Karen Deacon, Marketing Manager added: ‘This was also a unique opportunity to demonstrate how bespoke and innovative we can be by adding their iconic black ‘Swan’ logo to both sides of the gates. So, even though it’ll provide a high level of protection, due to the white finish and corporate branding it’s still able to blend in with its surroundings. 
Karen continued, in the past 18 months we’ve seen the demand from stadia almost double for our shallow foundation manual HVM gate and Liberty Stadium adds to recent installations we’ve also completed at Adelaide Oval and Twickenham Stadium, the home of Rugby Union.’ 
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'Very happy with Cova' 
Denis - Skanska JV 
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'Cova's solution was the obvious choice' 
Gordon - Liberty Stadium, Swansea 
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'A simple solution - highly recommended' 
David - Gatwick Airport 
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'Exceptional work carried out' 
Nick - High Commission, Islamabad